Tuesday 29 January 2013

Sledding Round Bales(Video)

Dear Reader;

  My husband was asking me why I bother to video tape something that everyone knows how to do. He was referring to using the truck to sled the round bales around the field. I thought about that for about 30 seconds and went...."Heyyyyyy......even you didn't think about using the truck until I asked you if you we're trying to kill me by requesting that I help you roll the bales across the field...through the snow...no less! You were still trying to roll the bale to the exact location....when I backed the truck up and pushed it into place. ...so had you seen the video...you would have thought...hey...let's use our brain and not brawn."

 We may assume everyone knowns things what would appear to be common sense. Not so. My daughter and I just had this conversation over our Native Reservations where some residents don't appear to do anything to help themselves. This is called learn t helplessness.

 A few years back I was visiting my siblings and each lived in a rented house. I found that I was scalding my hands when I went to wash the dishes. I asked them why didn't they regulate the temperature and they both told me that they did not know how. I took them down to the basement and taught them how the gauge worked. Now the only way that I knew how to set the temperature, was that, someone taught me. They had taken me to the hot water tank and had me do it myself. I'm a visual learner.

My videos aren't for the experts who already know all of this stuff, the videos are for people just like me who are simply trying to learn something new.

Hare Krsna.
Kokum Lal

P.S. G dislikes the camera but a Blogger has got to blog:)


  1. Hi Lal...is it possible to push a rod longways through the bale and then attach the ropes to the ends so it rolls when you pull. Also...two bits of velcro will hold the camera on the dash. cheers, Moses

  2. What a great idea! Thanks Michele...we will try that next time! How are the new digs? We miss having you drop by for tea:)

  3. Ya...I miss tea too. The new digs were pretty cold at first since a wood furnace is NOT as straightforward as a wood stove. But the crazy thaw was certainly welcome. See you both soon.
