Wednesday 16 January 2013

Mukta and Huge Baby Aruni (video)

Dear Readers;

  I would like to introduce you to some more members of our herd. I filmed this video a few months back and forgot about it! I wanted to show you that all cows are different...some cows will kick their babies away and wean them at a very early age but our Mukta is STILL letting her huge calf Aruni, nurse and she is going on two years old!!

 They are quite the pair....Mukta is the herd leader and she is training Aruni to take care of the herd. The name Mukta means Liberation and the name Aruni is the pink/red colour of the sky just as the sun is rising. They work as a team and outsmart us constantly when we try to herd them into the barn at night. Mukta will go first...followed by Aruni...when  they get close to the barn doors..they turn and run in opposite directions and then meet up again. Sneaky...they are:)

Hare Krsna.
Kokum Lal

1 comment:

  1. in the spirit of universal credits...guest appearance by, uh...the Fence. x
