Saturday 26 January 2013

Jesus Cow

Dear Reader:

  We had to take a run to Montague to pick up some supplies today and on the way back I suggested that we stop at a local farmer to buy some fresh,soft green hay for the twins.(Instead of buy some hay from the farm I should clarify by saying that the farmer was donating the hay....we just had to pick it up because it was in bunches and not in bales. It is good karma for a beef farmer to donate something for protected cows...but it will be better if we can produce our own sweet hay.) The farmer raises beef cows and I waited in the barn while the men searched the hayloft for the bales in question. I did not go up because I was wearing my smart town clothes and it's the devil to try and get straw and hay off  a woolen coat so instead I stayed with the calves. I was quite shocked to see that 10 or more calves were milling around each of the pens. Their feet were squelching around in mud,cow dung and urine. They had no bedding in which to lie down on and apparently this is considered acceptable.

We on the other hand get inspected because we let our cows out so that we can clean the pens and spread fresh straw. Amazing! This was exactly what I was complaining to the Inspector about. I suppose these cows are considered food and ours are pets so that would be the distinction."Food" can be abused until the ultimate abuse of merciless or merciful death.

I did walk to each of the pens and offered my pranams to each of the calves because all cows and calves are sacred. I wished them well in this life and next. This site also inspired me to continue to educate others on the necessity to keep the cows alive for the sake of the cows and for humanity.

Sometimes I wonder if this is what it's going to take for some people to get the message?
Have a peaceful weekend.
Hare Krsna.
Kokum Lal

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