Saturday 29 December 2012


Dear Readers;

  Having twin calves is almost the same as having twin we are calling them our grandcalves.

  We have been checking on them constantly to see if all is well. We noticed that after they were born their mother just went back to eating in the pasture. When we carried the calves to the barn she was suppose to follow them but she didn't. We had to go and herd her into the nursery. We later realized that although she had given birth for the past 8 years she had always had her calves taken away she had no clue what to do. That's alright...because we don't know much either.

 Mother Urvashis' placenta is still hanging we phoned different farmers...who all said not to worry that it will come out in a day or two. It still isn't out so we phoned the vet and he said that because she gave birth to twins that it could take a week or two for the placenta to come out. It would start to smell bad and then fall out. Sure..............yikes! All I can compare this to would be my birthing one of my four children. If I started to smell bad...well...light the cremation fire...right?

 We are feeling overwhelmed ..lost...the house is a mess because we are also renovating the living and dining rooms.It isn't easy doing this but we will soldier on because we can't imagine doing anything else.

 I even noticed that it's been well over a week since I left the farm...yet I don't feel the need to run away for a change. When I was in the country felt like a prison sentence! Oh..yes...I've even had to wash poopy calf bums......because....John (Our neighbor) thought that it was the rectum coming out. Good news....not a rectum....just the first sticky poop:)Now he is fed...clean and tired. Sweet dreams little one.

Hare Krsna.
Kokum Lal

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