Sunday 16 December 2012

Blood or Beets

Dear Readers;

  I've been feeling very annoyed and frustrated with Canadian and American Politicians. They are so in your face about not caring about how they are exploiting the people but most annoying is how the general masses....believe that their corrupt leaders would not intentionally hurt them.

  When I was a teenager ..a few of my native friends were traditional Indians. We wanted to go back to the old ways....we decorated our long black hair with beads and feathers and let the winds blow it free. We believed in spirituality..taking care of each other...we believed in ceremony...and hunting and gathering. Yet....I wasn't satisfied...I wanted more....besides I was a wannabe vegetarian and hunting just didn't fit...therefor I didn't fit.

  It took many years of trial and error but I feel deeply that Govindas Farm is on the right path. No one can fight the government with weapons...because they have bigger guns.You can't appeal to their sense of justice because they have none. Right now as we speak Canadian Prime Minister Harper is trying to shred more of our Native Rights. It's not enough that we are living in third world conditions...right here in one of the wealthiest countries in the world...Harper wants to grind us aboriginals farther into the ground..until we disappear completely.

  Sure we are protesting on the streets...beating our drums...but no one is listening....because they don't care. So I am telling everyone who will listen..that ...they aren't doing this to just's a global agenda. They are destroying all indigenous peoples around the planet.....the whites are just last on the list...but their time has also come. We as a human race are all in this together....and the only way out is by working together. Don't buy their Chinese junk...make what you require. Don't grease the wheels of commerce. Peaceful what scares them. They love war and chaos...because it keeps us all emotional and unable to think clearly. Don't believe me....check out any world leader who protests peacefully or after violent up heavel comes to realize that peace is the way out...Gandhi...Malcolm X...Martin L King....Crazy Horse....Kennedy....

  My own guru Srila Prabhupada once said that if the government actually knew what he was doing that they would also kill him.Srila Prabhupada told us years ago to get out of the city and grow food...weave our own simply...but use our brain to think of spiritual thoughts. Forget's done.

  Once again....farming...taking care of cows...growing organic food...creating the way out.....the way to peace and prosperity.

Please grow something and take care of each other. Love is a verb.
Hare Krsna.
Kokum Lal

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