Sunday 18 November 2012

If You Need It Try Making It:)

Dear Readers;

  My kids will tell you, that when they were growing up, they never knew what they would find me "brewing" up in the kitchen when they came home from school. Some weeks it would be make-up, made from dried beet powder or herbal cigarettes to treat my husbands bronchitis.(Hey...It worked!) other times I would be sewing up clothing for them. Sometimes I let my artistic creativity run a little to wild. I remember just before a school Halloween party my seven year old son was having trouble keeping his rubber devil horns stuck to his forehead. The horns had little suction cups but only remained "stuck" for 1 or 2 minutes at best. He had to get back to school and he was in a hurry I got my hot glue gun and placed a dollop of glue on each suction cup ...waved them around...blew on them a couple times  and then told him to come over so that I could stick them onto his forehead. He always trusted me with his very life but this time he took one incredulous look at me...the rubber horns full of hot glue,the front door and  ...yelled..."Are you crazy????" and proceeded to run away.(Didn't see him for hours....)  

  I admit  sometimes I do go to far:)

 We needed a picture to cover a parking meter in front of our soap booth at the Farmers Market. I only had about an hour to come up with something colorful.

  I used my fingers instead of a paintbrush for this woman in a bathtub picture  and I was going to make her prettier but then I had just finished reading how the French call woman who may not be classically pretty but who are very chic...Jolie Laide or Belle Laide. I decided to keep her. I've changed my mind on displaying her at my booth though....I'm going to paint a Goddess instead. Now La Belle Laide is decorating our downstairs bathroom. She is about 32" by 24" rendered in acrylic paint.(My favorite easy to clean-up)

I knew that I would find a home for those cloth flowers that I upcycled out of my old sweaters from a few days back. This is what I did with the white ones. The solid brass lamp was bought for $4 at a Thrift store. I cut the top part of the sleeve and just slipped that over the top of the lamp shade to give it some texture and I think that it adds a little cosy feeling to winter decor. Have a nice day.
Hare Krsna.
Kokum Lal

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