Friday 18 May 2012

The cows thank you for the donations!

The cows at Govinda's Farm would like to give a big milk soaked THANK-YOU to the two donations that they received today. A brand new Toshiba laptop from Sita Rani Devi Dasi so that yours truly can keep blogging about the farm and from the Buddhist Monks  some money towards the upkeep of the cows. Our farm is right on the corner of two roads so everyone can see what is going on...sometimes a good thing and other times just plain darn annoying.The monks drive by and get to see that we actually do take care of cows and that we do actually move them 8 times a day...everyday so they like to support what we do...if not by buying our delicious bread then in others ways.                          I've included a few pics of our old computer that we bounced around the jungles of Panama for 8 years in our rickshaw. Check out the double tape holding the screen on..old tuck tape and of course the very cool steampunk brass hinges. I was sad to see her expire...she was such a loyal friend...but no worries I believe in reincarnation and tada....her new and improved self!
 Wow...amazing! You really never know what is going to happen until you get out of bed. Life is just one huge adventure:) Taking care of cows...simple living and higher doesn't get any better:) ~ Hare Krsna,Kokum Lal

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome! I am glad it is working towards the farm and keeping these stories up!
