Wednesday 17 October 2012


Dear Friends;
                                                                                                                                                                     Who doesn't love a great big present?

  This video may seem a little long and pointless but if you just slow down to cow speed and activate your Spidey Vision you just may appreciate cow behavior. I did not want to get to close to the action for two reasons, number one being the new cow was kicking up clods of dirt and number two, I did not want to interrupt this getting to know one another ritual. The new cow approached the herd with a lowered head and all the other cows bobbed their heads up and down. The little bull named Pita was very excited to see her and even braved getting a nasty shock on his nose from the electric fence just to try and get a closer look.

We recently received our new Canadienne cow from Quebec. I've included a video of her first minutes after realizing that she wasn't alone in the field. She is separated from the herd by an electric fence and will be kept separate for 2 days. Her name was Yasoda for the first day but then we decided to change it to Urvashi after seeing how big her milk bag was. Those of you who have read the Mahabharata may remember then when the top most beautiful heavenly Apsara Urvashi was going to see Arjuna one of the characteristics of her heavenly beauty was that her breasts were so heavy that they caused her to bend slightly at her waist as she walked.
Another characteristic that I found fascinating about our cow Urvashi is that she has a fern pattern in her coat. I was thrilled by this discovery because although I have a fondness for all flowers I truly love ferns the most. I decided to check out the site posted below about the language of flowers to see what they had to say about ferns.

Sincerity, fascination, magic, confidence, shelter

Well we certainly think that our cow is magic.

On the morning of the second day of separation Gaura Nitai opened the fence and we herded her into the mob. I hung back and blocked her path but I was a little nervous because she did kick up dirt clods with her hind hooves as we approached her.
Once inside she  nonchalantly  ate grass and slowly approached each member of the herd. Her goal was to see who would move away first. All but one oxen moved away from her.....making her Queen of the least for the day.
Another simply wonderful cow.
Hare Krsna,
Kokum Lal

The Canadienne is a dairy breed developed in French Canada from cattle imported back in the XVIIth century from Brittany and Normandy. The Canadienne is the only breed of dairy cow native to North America. At its origins, it was not the result of genetic blends and was once exclusively and intimately linked to Quebec’s terroir*. Today the Canadienne is seriously threatened. It nearly disappeared entirely due to cross-breeding with the Brown Swiss breed. Very few purebred animals remain, but a current trend towards the traditonal-type Canadienne has initiated conservancy and development efforts in regards to its genetic make-up. Its advancement is primordial to guarantee a future for this breed of French-Canadian heritage.
* Terroir: A place-based designation, intimately linked with the land, the soil and climatic conditions.

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