Sunday 24 March 2013

Rope Haltering A 3 Month Old Calf

Dear Reader;

 This week I managed to drop off 8 large bags of clothing at the Salvation Army Thrift Store in Charlottetown. I did feel a little anxious because I had some very nice coats and sandles and silk shirts,purses and jewellery....but I don't wear any of those beautiful things in my new farm life. Getting rid of things that are no longer useful frees up space for things that you will actually use.....such as a new pair of Hunter boots. I have already worn out my other boots that I bought last fall:(

 I also started trying to train Gopal to a halter this morning. Calves are very much like human toddlers when you try to dress them or get them to go someplace that they don't want to go. You know what I mean....the toddlers make their bodies go all "boneless" and  flop to the calves do the exact same move:) Gopal is so cute and highly amusing. His character is very sweet so I think that he will make an excellent oxen. Here we are in this short video that I took this morning.

Hare Krsna.
Kokum Lal


  1. Hi Lal...this is so much funnier when I could hear the sound.

  2. Haha:) I like the advice that you gave me about walking beside him and urging him along with a a gentle way of course.
    Our milk cow is down and looks like milk fever so the vet is on his way to give her calcium intravenously. Jersey cows are known for this problem. If it is milk fever she ought to be up in about half an hour. I am also very proud of myself....I took her temperature by putting the thermometer up her butt....but I didn't have any vaseline so I'm wondering if my reading was correct...hmmmmmm... I'm sure learning a lot in a short time.
