Wednesday 21 August 2013

Natha Making A Zen Garden For Calves?

Dear Readers;

 I finally found my camera. I had been looking for it for days and days. I thought that I had left it in the barn after taking pictures of Natha raking the calves Zen garden;)

Natha Das raking the calves pen.

Raking in a Zen fashion is a meditation.

 I searched the house...the sheds...the barn and the vehicles but nada...nothing. Then Gord remembered that perhaps I had put the camera in the glove compartment of the truck ...which unfortunately was in the repair shop in Georgetown for a week!
Wouldn't you love to have your studio right here??

Georgetown Studio.

Harbor in Georgetown was indeed in the last place I looked!

 Our summer has been absolutely beautiful! Selling soap on Sunday Market day has been perfect and drying clothing on the line has been a dream!

Taking down the tent...finished for another day....
Perfect clothes drying fresh!    

Mountains of wood.....
Gord and Natha are showing us that co-operation can move mountains. In this case that would be a mountain of wood. Nice job guys...we will be toasty all winter:)

See you next time.
Hare Krsna,
Kokum Lal

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