Monday 11 February 2013

Millions of Diamonds

Dear Reader;

 Today we are digging ourselves out of the snow!

 The most amazing sight to see when that sun finally shone was that it looked as though our entire world had been blanketed by millions of sparking diamonds. That sight was the silver lining in an other wise very difficult two days.

 Here are some pictures where you can see the height of some of the snow drifts. Sticking with our minimalist lifestyle G parked the truck as close the road as possible so that the digging out would be much simpler. We also dug out just enough snow for a narrow pathway to the house from the truck.  We  learnt that it is better to remove the snow as quickly as possible after the snowfall while it is still light and fluffy.

 G spent the past few days working on plumbing the upstairs bathroom and I have been analyzing and removing all the things around the house that are not being used on a daily basis. Stripping the house down to get to the essence. Every item that I remove I feel so much lighter. I even found $40 in a pocket of a shirt.

 That reminds me of a story that my friend told me. Michelle told me how annoyed she would get when her twin sister would regularly find forgotten money in a purse,trouser or jacket pocket. Her sister would always be so pleased at this unexpected surprise so feeling a little envious Michelle would purposely hide money in various clothing pockets. The plan always failed because she would remember exactly where she had hidden it.

 I tend to be a little bit like her sister...kind of scatty about money. Good thing that I have it but .."Oh..well!" if I don't. I swear if it wasn't for my husband who takes such good care of me I would simply be wafting around the planet like a dandelion puff.

Hare Krsna.
Kokum Lal

All women are angels ..if you break our wings...we fly on broomsticks...we're flexible like that!

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