Here is what has changed in the past few months. I bagged all those clothes and put them in the shed. I noticed that week after week I was doing a pilgrimage to the shed to find a pair of shoes...a belt...a dress..a top that I needed to complete an outfit.
My mother and my aunt who were visiting asked me, "Are you shopping in your shed?"
Yes I am!!!:) this is me coming clean. I love clothes and shoes! I have an outfit for every farm chore and red lipstick is a must. If I were stranded on a deserted island I would die without my tweezers and red lipstick. When my husband first met me,38 years ago....I was traveling light...with just a small backpack but I still had to change clothes 3 times a day...walking outfit...biking outfit...sitting around outfit.....
Minimizing has helped me accept myself for who I am. It took getting rid of everything to realize that I am passionate about clothing....physical appearance...mine and other peoples. I'm always mentally giving people on the street makeovers. I've noticed that by accepting myself I've become much kinder to other peoples choices as well.
Having lived with so called spiritualists for many years I was called many derogatory names for being fashion conscious. This led to feelings of guilt, low self esteem and denial.If I like to dress well...does that mean I can't be Krsna Conscious?
Now that I have," Put that puppy to rest" I've turned one small guest bedroom into a boudoir!!! A special opulent place just for me and my clothes. I painted the walls Valhala fushia and I am searching for a chandelier...fluffy carpet and a super-comfy ladies lounging chaise. I'm coming to realize that if I don't embrace my little pleasures then I suffer. If I'm not happy then I make others unhappy. Sad but true. So simplicity for me ..means knowing what style suits my body and lifestyle. I can now go into a shop and know exactly what I want.
Hare Krsna,
Kokum Lal
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