Fragrance is an obvious ingredient in
perfumes, colognes, and deodorants, but it’s used in nearly every type
of personal care product. Credit: blue celt via Flickr.
Use in Cosmetics
The term "fragrance" or "parfum" on a cosmetic ingredients list usually represents a complex mixture of dozens of chemicals. Some 3,000 chemicals are used as fragrances. i Fragrance is an obvious ingredient in perfumes, colognes, and deodorants, but it's used in nearly every type of personal care product. Even products marketed as "fragrance-free" or "unscented" may in fact contain fragrance along with a masking agent ii that prevents the brain from perceiving odour. In addition to their use in cosmetics, fragrances are found in numerous other consumer products, notably laundry detergents and softeners and cleaning products.You see....ol' Burt must have sold out to "The Man". I'm not happy about this at all. I feel let down like one of my best friends sold me out....cheated on me.
Chemicals on my lips just sucks badly! I mean I apply lip balm at least twice a day if I am reapplying it..where did it go the first time? I must have sucked it off and now I'm full of these 3000 chemicals that I wasn't aware of. Arrrr!
Anyways enough snashing the teeth and cursing "The Man". I'm going to do something about this injustice to my lips. I'm going to make my own Honey Lip Balm!
It is just so easy to make this stuff! I feel so much better:) Alright so I didn't give "The Man" a major blackeye.... just a little pinprick;) I'm not going to provide you'all with a recipe because there are literally a gazillion recipes online.... and besides I kind of made mine up. I'm cheering you on...take care of your own's super empowering! Seriously though the reason why I do what I do and G does what he does is because we feel passionately about living a good life with as little stress as possible and maybe helping others with ideas on how they can live a simpler life as well. Hare Krsna, Kokum Lal
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