I haven't updated for a few weeks because I have been in the barn ...ruminating. I was mourning the loss of an old friend. Now don't go and get all sad on me....because he didn't die ..he "unfriended" me on Facebook. Before he slammed that virtual door ..he called me a "stupid womens' libber".
Now weeks of...am I a stupid womens' libber?
I've spend many hours cleaning the barn....feeding calves and alpacas....making soap...selling soap...smiling at customers...and asking myself over and over ad nauseum..."Why can't you just shut yo' mouth? Why do you always HAVE to push that enter button????"
I've reviewed my life from early childhood...the stories that I heard...apparently from the time that I could walk I would visit relatives from house to house. I say house to house because although I was cute as a button....apparently I would never shut the heck up! I was always asking question ...after question...until they showed me the door and I would throw my little red scarf around my neck as I marched off undaunted to the next victim errr...house.

Grade school I held a classroom walk-out over the murder of the white mice! Back then they called that a Biology project or some such nonsense. Of course nobody actually followed me out of the classroom! Later on it was a group of girls protesting the dress code of the school.....we won:) Then I quit going to church after seeing the priest drinking alcohol and the brothers chasing skirts. My foster mother sent me to the Sisters Of The Cross to explain my position. I must of done a pretty good job because they wished me luck on the search for a new spiritual path.
I know that I was a pain in the a... for my poor mother. We lived in a very small village and everyone went to church! She insisted that I go because the neighbours would talk. AHA! I had my out...she was afraid of gossip...of other peoples opinions. Come the following Saturday...I found some alcohol and got good and drunk before going to bed. The next morning I was so sick. I'm sure that my color was no longer brown but green. Poor momma..she was so angry but told me to go to church anyways!
I always sat with my friends in the pews on the far left side of the church. The far left side because when our friends came back from communion..the goal was to make them burst out laughing. Anyways....I kept acting like I was going to throw up...right there...on the heads of the people in front of me. I would then steal glances at my mom and she was either giving me the stink eye or looking horrified that I was going to embarrass her once again.
I wanted to be the cute..sweet..quiet girl..but in the end ...I am just....me. I am a born anarchist! People often think that an anarchist is a bomb maker and achieve their goals in a violent manner but that is only one definition.I believe in freedom of the people..freedom to follow your own belief system as long as that does not infringe on other peoples freedom. I believe in growing our own food...making our own power...building our own houses...simple living and high thinking. I believe in minimizing government and maximizing people power. I believe in the right to free speech and peaceful protest.
Am I a ..."Stupid Women's Libber"?
You're free to make up your own mind.
Power to the people.
Hare Krsna.